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Senior School

Lorem Ipsum

Welcome to Mulgrave's Senior School, where we equip lifelong learners to thrive.

In Grades 10-12, we strive to grow creative, critical and independent thinkers with the flexibility of thought best suited to the changing world that they will inhabit (and change for the better), as young adults. Thus, in addition to our energetic focus on academic attainment and very successful university placement, our education is equally attentive to the development of the whole person beyond the institutional worlds of school, university, and work.

Active engagement in local service, global outreach, outdoor education, sport, and artistic performance is vital in this endeavour, so the Senior School focusses on giving students the life skills necessary to manage these competing commitments on their time. Our integration of the IB Approaches to Learning and 21st century skills ensure our students grow both as individuals and as responsible global citizens within an educational context that is highly relevant, flexible and enjoyable.

Senior School At A Glance

Small class sizes with specialist faculty by subject area 

IB courses throughout with option for IB Diploma or Enriched Pathway

Mandarin (varied levels), French or Spanish language study

Purpose-built spaces provide the best learning environments

Clubs, co-curriculars, and leadership opportunities to spark interests and develop skills

Character Education course to develop executive functioning and real-world compentencies

Advisory model where students build trusted relationships with faculty and their peers

Exceptional university and career counselling support to help students find their right fit

Admissions Information

The admissions process focuses on identifying a diverse range of students who will thrive in our programme as well as families who are well-aligned with Mulgrave's mission, vision, and values

The greatest opportunity for admission in Senior School is Grade 10;  spaces are very limited in Grade 11 and given the two-year nature of the IB Diploma Programme, it is rare that we can accept students in Grade 12

It is not a requirement for students to come from IB programmes at other schools but is helpful as they advance through the continuum

Students listen to a panel of speakers

Senior School Schedule

  • 9:00am-3:55pm
  • Tuesday Late Start: 9:25am
  • Friday Early Dismissal: 1:40pm

View the school year calendar

Jack McKillop

Julia Clark

Aziz Batada

Yasi Marzban