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Outdoor Education

Lorem Ipsum

Mulgrave offers a vibrant Outdoor Education Programme that engages students in experiential learning opportunities that make links between outdoor education and their classroom learning experiences. 

We believe our students should have:

  • Opportunities to develop an individual connection with nature
  • Opportunities to develop an individual connection with their peers and with their teachers inside and outside of the classroom
  • Outdoor experiences that are authentically connected to the areas of Academics, Athletics, the Arts, and Citizenship
  • Classroom learning experiences that are enhanced by direct curriculum links to 'real life' outdoor experiences
  • The choice to further their involvement in Outdoor Education beyond grade-wide experiences

As students progress through the Junior School, they experience a variety of activities and field trips to support their joyful exploration of nature, learn how to navigate different outdoor terrains, and make connections to their classroom curriculum. Examples include:

  • Grade 1 on-campus learning about cardinal directions, maps, and pollinators and a field trip to our Squamish Outdoor Leadership and Education (SOLE) Centre
  • Grade 2 field trip to the SOLE Centre to learn about Indigenous technologies and a field trip to the Capilano Dam related to their exploration of water
  • Grade 3 on-campus lessons about erosion and a math challenge related to garlic planting which culminates in a hand-on activity during their field trip to the SOLE Centre. During that time, students also learn weaving from a Squamish knowledge keeper and learn about Indigenous storytelling. Grade 3s also enjoy a snowshoe experience during the winter months.
  • Grade 4 learning about Indigenous and non-Indigenous plants connected to their unit on colonization and a garden design project related to their math unit on area and perimeter
  • Grade 5 field trip to Lighthouse Park related to their inquiry into Indigenous migration

Grade 3-5 students also participate in grade-wide overnight camps, organised and led by their teachers and our Outdoor Education team, with the help of outside providers. These experiences offer students incredible opportunities to build their independence and build strong connections with their peers and teachers.