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Inspiring Excellence in Education and Life

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Innovations and Interesting Practice

Since the earliest days of Mulgrave’s young history, our school has been known for continually pushing the boundaries to ensure that its students have the highest possible quality of education. We are a school that avoids complacency, seeks continual improvement, looks to find and, in some cases, lead worldwide best practice in teaching and learning and other aspects of school operations.

The world is changing rapidly, and it is critical that a Mulgrave education continues to evolve and develop so that our students are fully prepared to lead happy, fulfilled and successful lives in the future, a future that is increasingly complex, competitive and international.

Below are some of the changes that Mulgrave has made and is making to the education for its students. Some of these changes are different or innovative in a Canadian context and some are perhaps more innovative on a global scale. As in any school, it is the unique combination of philosophy and practices that ultimately determine the quality of education and student achievement.

teaching innovationsTeaching Innovations

These are practices and innovations that involve developing the role of teachers to ensure that staffing resources are used effectively and efficiently to improve learning and student achievement.


curriculum innovations

Curriculum Innovations

Ensuring that the curriculum within the International Baccalaureate Programmes framework is constantly evolving so that students gain the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to be happy, fulfilled and successful in the future.


community engagement innovationsCommunity Engagement Innovations

Developments that help our non-English speaking minority groups feel part of our school community.


learning innovations

Learning Innovations

These include a variety of practices and innovations that involve a very direct impact on student learning.


student support innovations

Student Support Innovations

Developments to ensure that students are supported to manage the academic, social and personal demands of a broad and rigorous PK to G12 programme.


school improvement innovations

School Improvement, Evaluation and Recognition Innovations

Developments in assessment of our programmes. This includes external accreditation and recognition, as well as our own self-evaluation and programmes of improvement.


Mulgrave's Centre for Innovation

Mulgrave's CFIIn 2015, driven by our commitment to leading the way in transforming students’ learning and educational experiences, we launched an innovation incubator. Mulgrave's Centre for Innovation (CFI) cultivates and freely shares new practices that have a measurable positive effect on teaching and learning in the classroom and on school operations.

The Centre is built on a set of values that allow it to experiment and take risks in a way that Mulgrave School cannot. The Centre's priority is to build enduring practices by cultivating entrepreneurial restlessness and embedding innovation at the heart of all school activities. As such, the Centre aims to cultivate resilience more so than strength. Instead of resisting failure, it wants to yield and allow failure and then bounce back; and, while It upholds the school’s duty of care to the young people it teaches, it does not let that duty inhibit its thinking.