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This Week in the ELC

Dear ELC families,

Yet again we find ourselves at the end of another fantastic and incredibly busy school year here at Mulgrave. And what a year it has been! Mulgrave would not be what it is without the amazing families, students and staff we have at the school. I am thrilled to be starting off the end of year letter with exciting baby news - Jennifer Phillips had a baby boy on Tuesday, June 26th named Elijah Alexander Phillips. Mum and Baby are doing well, and we cannot wait to meet him!

Although this time of the year is often hectic, it is also a time when I reflect upon the incredible events that have happened over the school year. From the school concerts, Sports Day and Teddy Bear's Picnic, to the ELC's Halloween Parade and Pancake Breakfast; it was undoubtedly a year of successes. As always though, these moments would not have been possible without the support and dedication of the staff and parents who volunteered their time and effort. We are so fortunate to have a community of parents at this school who never fail to get involved and lend support to the ELC. It was this involvement that made the ELC feel more like a family than a school and, for that, I am forever grateful.

As we close the chapter on one school year, we look forward with excitement to the next school year. It is a big year for our preschool students, for those who have finished in PreK 4, they will begin the next educational journey into Kindergarten; for our youngest who will be starting in PreK 3, it may be their first ever experience in a school setting. Regardless of where our students are at in the education spectrum, we are thrilled to be supporting all of our Early Years learners from PreK 3 all the way to Kindergarten next year. Beginning a new Early Years division next school year is a genuinely thrilling opportunity for the teachers, students, and families. We are looking forward to ensuring that we are properly supporting our children by tailoring a programme to match the social, emotional, and academic needs of all of our students.

With the 2017/2018 academic year coming to an end, it is the nature of the education system that we will be saying goodbye to a few staff and students at the end of the year. Nicola Steiniger, who has been a dedicated and valued member of the Mulgrave faculty for over 9 years is moving to Victoria to be closer to her only son Karl Lucas. Nicola brought passion and creativity to the Early Years and created a number of close relationships with the staff and families at the school. We wish her all the best in her adventures in Victoria with her son. Paula Jasek, one of Mulgrave's Kindergarten teachers who has been with us for the past six years, is leaving to work at her son's school next year. Taking her place with the Kindergarten team is Casey Thomas, who the current ELC families know as Casey Bell. Joanna Adam will be returning from her maternity leave in August to teach PreK 4, and we couldn't be more excited to have her back, along with her daughter Ivy who starts PreK 3 in August. As we prepare for the move into the new building in January, we will be hiring additional teachers for the preschool program and I will write again at the end of the holiday to introduce you to all the new staff who will be joining us.

Finally with some housekeeping items; class lists will be available to parents in July as well as the Early Years start-up package which will include the handbook, gradual entry schedule, and important information for families. Jenna Rajabali will also be contacting families during the Summer Break regarding the playdates for new and returning families which will take place on August 26th and September 8th from 10:00am-12:00pm in Dundarave.

The first day back for all Kindergarten students and new PreK 4 and PreK 3 students is Monday, August 27th. All returning PreK students start on Tuesday, September 4th.

I wish you all a restful and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you in the new school year.


Morven Eakin
