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Community Engagement Innovations

  • Hired multilingual faculty and staff to liaise with non-English speaking families, translate key information and host information sessions.
    Contact: Elizabeth Calderon, Assistant Head of School - Communications (
  • Access to a telephone interpretation service for instant access to over 100 languages 24/7, ensuring confidentiality and open communication.
    Contact: Elizabeth Calderon, Assistant Head of School - Communications (
  • Appointment of a community engagement chair as a member of the Mulgrave Volunteer Parent Association (MVP) executive team who oversees the execution of and participation in annual cultural celebrations and events that target less visible members of our community (e.g., Wine Tasting for Dads).
    Contact: Elizabeth Calderon, Assistant Head of School - Communications


  • Overlay of Google translate on our website, making it easier for all community members to access information in their native language.
    Contact: Elizabeth Calderon, Assistant Head of School - Communications


  • Parent Education Sessions - as part of an increased need for ongoing parent education, we have partnered with a range of external speakers and adult educators who run regular parent education sessions on a variety of topics. Some of the areas we have covered so far include:
    • English Language Learning
    • Parenting a Teen
    • Parenting Boys
    • Attachment Theory and Parenting
    • Cultivating Resilience in Children
      Contact: Elizabeth Calderon, Assistant Head of School - Communications
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