Utilities Section


Inspiring Excellence in Education and Life

Utility Tools Section

Student Support Innovations

Student Support Innovations

  • Establishing cross-grade homeroom groups for G7-9 and G10-12 to harness the power of peer support and influence.
    Contact: Melissa Moore, Principal of the Middle Schoor (mmoore@mulgrave.com) or Chiara Tabet, Principal of the Senior School (ctabet@mulgrave.com)
  • Modified the traditional prefect programme to include teams of senior students in order to develop better peer-to-peer support, better student advocacy and to offer more leadership opportunities.
    Contact: Heather Nolan-Wood, Vice Principal of the Senior School (hnolan-wood@mulgrave.com)
  • Establish LGBTQ support group to make Mulgrave a safe place for all sexual orientations.
    Contact: Antony Wilson, Head of Global Engagement and Service Learning (awilson@mulgrave.com)
  • Changing the system of student awards to ensure that they are more inclusive for all and develop a stronger sense of intrinsic rather than extrinsic reward and motivation.
    Contact: John Wray, Head of School (jwray@mulgrave.com)








student smiling
outdoor education