Utilities Section


Inspiring Excellence in Education and Life

Utility Tools Section

Learning Innovations

Learning Innovations

  • Extended school year schedule to reducing the length of the summer break and pace learning and vacations more evenly throughout the year in a way that directly affects the quality of learning.
    Contact: John Wray, Head of School (jwray@mulgrave.com)
  • Use of standardised test data to identify underperformance, improve learning and ensure all students reach their potential. Each student has a data file that teachers can use to track performance.
    Contact: Contact Lindsey Berns, Deputy Head of School (lberns@mulgrave.com)
  • Developing our capacity to conduct qualitative and quantitative research. Through our Centre for Innovation, we are working with Simon Fraser University to run a research methods course for faculty who are looking into the effective use of technology in teaching and learning. We are also working with Quest University to develop a longitudinal study of social-emotional learning.
    Contact: Martin Jones, Director of the Centre for Innovation (mjones@mulgrave.com)
  • Enhancing learning and teaching through advanced use of Google Apps for Education (GAFE). This includes moving most things into the cloud and giving flexibility and improved security while opening up opportunities for collaborative work. GAFE is also streamlining school administration and operations.
    Contact: David Dallman, Director of Educational Technology (ddallman@mulgrave.com)
  • Designed and built an innovative new Senior School wing with flexible learning spaces and 'student-owned' breakout rooms to support student learning. The school design is having an impact on the culture of study and student achievement.
    Contact: John Wray, Head of School
  • We know from John Hattie’s research that focussed and timely feedback has a strong positive impact on student learning, so we are developing a range of strategies, including live assessments written in collaboration with students themselves, to improve the feedback process.
    Contact: Martin Jones, Assistant Head of School 
  • Socio-emotional Learning (SEL) - we have established a school wide SEL committee that is in the process of mapping a scope and sequence of SEL skills which will be taught from PreK to Grade 12. We are hopeful that the teaching of these key skills will encourage students to be more confident, persistent, empathetic, which will lead to decreased emotional distress and improved academic and social performance. We are in the process of teaching these skills through a Character Education programme and will evaluate the impact of the programme through a benchmarking tool which will also allow us to identify students who might require more specific intervention strategies.
    Contact: Melissa Moore, Middle School Principal (mmoore@mulgrave.com)
  • Student Passport - Students are supported in the regular updating of an electronic portfolio ("Passport"). Students use the Passport as a space to identify personal goals and document evidence of progress against these goals. Students' Passports provide summary evidence of what they have learnt through their engagement and achievements in 7 experiential learning domains demonstrated in or out of school, locally or globally. The learning domains are:
    • Academics and Projects
    • Leadership skills and experiences
    • Intercultural skills and experiences
    • Self management and social skills and experiences
    • Creativity skills and experiences
    • Activity skills and experiences
    • Service skills and experiences
    • Contact: Antony Wilson, Head of Global Engagement and Service Learning (awilson@mulgrave.com)
  • Classroom layout and furnishings - In order to capitalise on the benefits of active learning, we are in the process of experimenting with a range of flexible classroom furniture which will support and enhance the pedagogies employed in the classroom. We have identified multiple classrooms in the Middle and Junior Divisions which will incorporate a range of furniture to be used as test rooms for other colleagues to trial throughout the year. These spaces will then inform the way in which we furnish classrooms in our new building.
    Contact: Jonathan Cawkell, MYP English Teacher and Personal Project Coordinator (jcawkell@mulgrave.com), Shanaz Ramji, Junior School Vice Principal and Director of Learning and Teaching (sramji@mulgrave.com)



teacher interacting with student
Mulgrave students