Anime and Mange - Arts Council Report
Posted 11/18/2016 11:36AM

Anime and Manga continue to grow in popularity. New anime is continuously being created, bringing new ideas and characters to us and the "Anime Family". Why is this a type of art? Anime movies are created through drawings, these are sequenced together to create motion! The beginning of this popular art began in 1951, when the first ever manga, Astro Boy, was created by Osamu Tezuka. Tezuka brought lots of joy to children all over the world. Without Manga or Anime, my life would be very different. It is unbelievable that the impact of a small Japanese comic can bring such a big change in children's lives. What you might not realise for you or your children, is that there is an Anime Club in our school, led by Mr. Brochart. In this club, students will watch anime and see new anime. He will be bringing a manga artist in to teach anime club how to draw manga characters. This a great experience for people who love to read manga or to draw manga. With all this manga anime fact in mind, I leave you with one question: what is your favourite anime/manga?